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Wednesday, January 4, 2023

Banking Service Chronicle

Banking Service Chronicle

Banking Service Chronicle This article was published in September Major Naval events in Maratha history o 1665 Chhatrapati Shivaji Maharaj undertook a seaborne naval expedition to North Canara and raided Barcelor along with Karwar Shiveshwar Miraj Ankolaetc. o 1679 Marathas occupied the island of Khanderi south of Bombay. o 1690s Kanhoji established the might of Maratha navy by introducing new fighting techniques adopting the European technologies and improved artillery. o 1756 The Maratha naval supremacy came to an end with the joint task force of the Peshwa and English against Tulaji Angre at Vijaydurg. Maratha NavyOrganization The Navy was divided into two Subhas or divisions every division had five Gurabs and fifteen Galbats each division was under the command of two admirals Darya Sarang and Mai Nayak (Bhandari).Ships The Maratha ships were of two types fighting ships and merchant ships. The fighting ships included Gurabs and Galbats. The merchant ships consisted of machuva shibar tarandiand pagar.Strength Maratha navy developed into a ferocious force with more than 500 ships. Special among his warships was Sanghameshwari. It was designed such that it could trawl through the shallows banking services chronicle magazine online purchase.

Banking Service Chronicle

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