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Monday, July 18, 2022

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no  62 Attempting to constrain Irans nuclear program took precedence in U.S. policy after 2002 as that program advanced.  In 2015 an agreement Joint Comprehensive plan of Action (JCPOA) or Iran nuclear deal was reached between Iran and the P5+1 group — U.S. U.K. France Russia China and Germany — on Tehrans nuclear programme. o The JCPOA was designed to stop Iran from producing its own nuclear weapons and set up a framework limiting the amount and degree to which Iran was allowed to enrich uranium.  However in 2018 USA unilaterally announced to decertify the nuclear deal on account of noncompliance by Iran and announced two rounds of economic sanction on it.  In mid2019 Iranian Forces shot down US military drone in response to increasing presence of American troops in the region. Global Implications  Threat of emergence of new proxy wars and escalation of ongoing conflicts which could further destabilize the already vulnerable region.  Wideranging implications on economy A lasting conflict could result in broad economic and financial shocks that could significantly worsen operating and financing conditions of the region. 24  Effect on global oil trade via Strait of Hormuz Roughly a third of the worlds oil tanker traffic travels through the strait. Any blockade by Iran could quickly lead to a 30% drop in daily global oil exports resulting in a steep rise in Oil prices.  Disturbance in Rules based world order The US has set an alarming precedence of killing government officials on foreign soil. Implications on India Shine india monthly magazine buy.

Shine india monthly magazine

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