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Saturday, June 11, 2022

mahendras monthly magazine

mahendras monthly magazine

mahendras monthly magazine Published this article page no 24 Supreme Court in K.S. Puttaswamy case has declared Right to Privacy is a Fundamental right. Hence protecting individual privacy is constitutional duty of the state thereby tackling digital dictatorship to an extent. Global Framework Osaka Declaration on Digital Economy G20 countries announces the launch of the Osaka Track a process that aims to intensify efforts on international rulemaking on digital economy especially on data flows and ecommerce while promoting enhanced protections for intellectual property personal information and cybersecurity. o India has not signed Osaka Track. 11 cybercrimes it is now extremely organized and collaborative. Moreover as the volume of data on internet is expanding exponentially and the spread of new technologies like artificial intelligence the internet of things big data poses a threat of abuse and misuse of data. Way forward For effective implementation of the data protection regime it is required that all the stakeholders  Align their policies with the requirements of Data Protection. o Encourage adoption of Privacy by design principles. o Explore the possible consent requirements at time of data collection mahendra master in current affairs pdf buy.

mahendras monthly magazine

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