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competition wizard magazine

Saturday, June 11, 2022

competition success magazine

  competition success magazine

 competition success magazine  Published this article page no  33 Private Participation Abysmal private sector participation especially MSMEs which can play a critical role in developing niche technologies and providing solutions that are critical for indigenisation. Absence of comprehensive Policy Department of Defence Production (DDP) only contains the policy for indigenisation of components and spare parts but lack conceptual and procedural inadequacies. Technology and delays Indian defence industry suffers from inefficiency productivity and low R&D especially in advanced weapons system and defence technology. o For example defence research organisations have gone through several production delays and costoverruns while developing Battle Tank Arjun and Light Combat Aircraft (LCA) Tejas competition success ebook free download buy.

  competition success magazine

competition success magazine

competition success magazine

competition success magazine Published this article page no  32 Economic Benefits To reduce dependency on arms imports and preserve foreign exchange and thus reducing Current account deficit. Capacity Building Given Indias current deficiencies in the Armed Forces there is need to focus on the development of advanced and sophisticated weapons system for various platforms of combat i.e. land sea and air. Advancement in technology Armed Forces warfighting capabilities development of new weapons (Hypersonic missile) and Solid Fuel Ducted Ramjet (SFDR) technology in the weapons and equipment needs constant augmentation and updation which requires an efficient infrastructure. Constraints in Defence Indigenisation in India Lack of overarching organisation Due to absence of an organisation several agencies like Indigenisation Directorates of the Services DRDO DPSUs etc. are involved to channelise the efforts which are largely disjointed lack synergy and no mechanism is in place to facilitate their interaction with the armed forces to increase indigenisation. Related news Stockholm International Peace Research Institute (SIPRI) report Indias import of arms decreased by 33% between 201115 and 201620 and Russia was most affected supplier although Indias imports of US arms also fell by 46%. Indias warheads have low yield and have maximum range of over 5000 km as compared to China. SIPRI established in 1966 independent international institute dedicated to research into conflict armaments arms control and disarmament. Defence Indigenisation It means the capability to design develop and produce defence equipment within the country using own skills and resources for the purpose of achieving selfreliance and reducing the burden of imports i.e. self sufficient. Defence Research & Development Organisation (DRDO) Defence Public Sector Undertakings (DPSUs) and private organisations i.e. Original Equipment Manufacturer (OEM) are playing a critical role in indigenisation of defence industries competition success ebook free download buy.

competition success magazine

Science reporter

 Science reporter

Sciencereporter Published this article page no 14  Objective To promote and support untapped creativity and to promote adoption of latest technologies in MSMEs. Financial assistance Up to Rs. 15 lakh per idea and up to Rs. 1.00 crore for relevant plant and machines. Design Aim To provide expert advice and costeffective solution on real time design problems for new product development its continuous improvement and value addition. Financial assistance Up to Rs. 40 lakh for design project and up to Rs. 2.5 lakh for student project. IPR (Intellectual Property Rights) Objective To improve the IP culture in India with a view to enhance the awareness of IPRs amongst the MSMEs. Also aims to take suitable measures for the protection of ideas technological innovation and knowledgedriven business strategies developed by MSMEs. Financial assistance will be provided for Foreign Patent Domestic Patent GI Registration etc science reporter magazine buy.  

 Science reporter

mahendras monthly magazine

mahendras monthly magazine

mahendras monthly magazine Published this article page no 24 Supreme Court in K.S. Puttaswamy case has declared Right to Privacy is a Fundamental right. Hence protecting individual privacy is constitutional duty of the state thereby tackling digital dictatorship to an extent. Global Framework Osaka Declaration on Digital Economy G20 countries announces the launch of the Osaka Track a process that aims to intensify efforts on international rulemaking on digital economy especially on data flows and ecommerce while promoting enhanced protections for intellectual property personal information and cybersecurity. o India has not signed Osaka Track. 11 cybercrimes it is now extremely organized and collaborative. Moreover as the volume of data on internet is expanding exponentially and the spread of new technologies like artificial intelligence the internet of things big data poses a threat of abuse and misuse of data. Way forward For effective implementation of the data protection regime it is required that all the stakeholders  Align their policies with the requirements of Data Protection. o Encourage adoption of Privacy by design principles. o Explore the possible consent requirements at time of data collection mahendra master in current affairs pdf buy.

mahendras monthly magazine