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Tuesday, August 3, 2021

banking services chronicle magazine

 banking services chronicle magazine 

banking services chronicle magazine  The Jews ability and readiness to mobilize and act to further their plans is a matter of record and the source of the inordinate influence of their lobby organizations in Washington for instance. When two Jews meet even randomly and regardless of the disparities in their background they immediately endeavor to see how they can further each others interests even and often at the expense of everyone elses. Still the Jewish diaspora now two millennia old is the first truly global phenomenon in world affairs. Bound by a common history a common set of languages a common ethos a common religion common defenses and ubiquitous enemies  Jews learned to closely cooperate in order to survive. No wonder that all modern global networks  from Rothschild to Reuters  were established by Jews. Jews also featured prominently in all the revolutionary movements of the past three centuries. Individual Jews  though rarely the Jewish community as a whole  seem to benefit no matter what. When Czarist Russia collapsed Jews occupied 7 out of 10 prominent positions in both the Kerensky a Jew himself government and in the Lenin and early Stalin administrations. When the Soviet Union crumbled Jews again benefited mightily. Three quarters of the famous oligarchs robber barons that absconded with the bulk of the defunct empires assets were  you guessed it  Jews. The Jewish Response Ignoring the purposefully inflammatory language for a minute what group does not behave this way Harvard alumni the British Commonwealth the European Union the Irish or the Italians in the United States political parties the world over ... As long as people cooperate legally and for legal ends without breaching ethics and without discriminating against deserving nonmembers  what is wrong with that The AntiSemite Argument number five  The Jews are planning to take over the world and establish a world government This is the kind of nonsense that discredits a serious study of the Jews and their role in history past and present. Endless lists of prominent people of Jewish descent are produced in support of the above contention. Yet governments are not the mere sum of their constituent individuals. The dynamics of power subsist on more than the religious affiliation of officeholders kingmakers and stringpullers. Granted Jews are well introduced in the echelons of power almost everywhere. But this is still a very far cry from a world government. Neither were Jews prominent in any of the recent moves  mostly by the Europeans  to strengthen the role of international law and attendant supranational organizations. The Jewish Response What can I say I agree with you. I would only like to set the record straight by pointing out the fact that Jews are actually underrepresented in the echelons of power everywhere including in the United States. Only in Israel  where they constitute an overwhelming majority  do Jews run things. banking services chronicle magazine

 banking services chronicle magazine 

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