competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Saturday, August 28, 2021

Shine india monthly magazine

 Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine  published this article page no  10 one of the other members of 14 platoon however was not so lucky l/cpl fred greenhalgh was knocked unconscious on impact and thrown clear to land face down in the pond where he drowned by now the sappers from glider 91 were under the bridge cutting wires and looking for explosives as they went.  lt david woods 24 platoon were just arriving at maj howards position and barely two minutes had passed since the first glider had touched down the german sentry reached the far end of the bridge without being hit and threw himself into a trench.  the germans in their trenches turned their weapons to point at the running airborne soldiers.  lt brotheridge was almost across the bridge when he saw the first of the enemy beginning to react and pulled a grenade from his pouch as he ran.  pte billy gray fired his bren from the hip towards the enemy as did many of the other charging men of 25 platoon.  getting the pin out of his grenade lt brotheridge threw it at one of the enemy occupied trenches.  as he did so a machine-gunner in another enemy trench off to his right sent a burst in his direction shine india monthly magazine telugu. 

 Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

 Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine  published this article page no  11 as his grenade exploded in the enemy trench wiping out its occupants lt den brotheridge was thrown back by the force of the machine-guns bullets to land on his back in the middle of the road.  other members of 25 platoon began firing at the germans in their trenches the combination of this fire and a burst from pte grays bren knocked out the machine-gun that had brought lt brotheridge down wally parr was trying to shout able able able as he ran on to the bridge but the words would just not come out.  freeing his tongue from the roof of his dried out mouth he finally let out a yell of come out and fight you square-headed bastards in his broad cockney accent.  lt david woods men were now starting to get to grips with the germans on the home bank running straight past maj howard 14 platoon raced on to the bridge lt sandy smith had wrenched his knee and more hobbled than ran shine india monthly magazine telugu. 

 Shine india monthly magazine

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription published this article page no  12 as he crossed the bridge he saw lt brotheridges platoon firing their weapons and throwing grenades at the german defenders.  as he reached the far end he saw a german soldier near the low wall in front of the café gondrée about to throw a stick grenade with a burst from his sten he sent the german sprawling across the wall dead but the grenade landed close to lt smith and went off.  he did not feel a thing and it was only when one of his corporals who was nearby asked if he was all right that lt sandy smith noticed the holes in his denison smock and trousers he had been hit by the grenades fragments and the wrist of his trigger hand had lost all of its flesh but he could still use his trigger finger inside the café gondrée the owner georges gondrée had been awakened by all the noise.  crawling to one of the upper floor windows he peeped over the sill to see what was going on as he did so lt smith saw the movement and thinking that it was a german soldier let off a burst from his sten in the direction of the café.  fortunately for georges gondrée the burst went high shattering the window and hitting the wooden beams.  he beat a hasty retreat gathered his family together and then took them downstairs to the comparative safety of the cellar. 

 Meri saheli magazine yearly subscription

Tuesday, August 10, 2021

Competition success magazine

 Competition success magazine

Competition successmagazine use full for civil services students published this article page no 16 one does not have to be a conspiracy believer to wonder whether there were other such unsuccessful attempts that were never exposed or if they are being hatched today. our nations founders established three separate branches of government--executive legislative and judicial--as a system of checks and balances to preserve our democratic rights. a recently introduced threat to this separation is presidential signing statements. started under president reagon they were used infrequently by subsequent presidents until the current president bush. when he signs a bill such as the one outlawing torture--overwhelmingly approved in the senate--he states that he has the right not to honor the law if he believes otherwise competition success review buy.

 Competition success magazine

Junior Science Refresher

 Junior Science Refresher

Junior ScienceRefresher this is science magazine in india published this article page no 12 thomas jefferson said eternal vigilance is the price of democracy but besides preserving our democracy we are also in a never-ending struggle to create and expand our rights. while our founding fathers called for freedom and democracy our people had to struggle to enfranchise poor whites to end slavery and to allow former slaves and women the right to vote. liberties and entitlements that were never considered in the early days of our republic were later enshrined into our laws including social security retirement and disability unemployment insurance the right of workers to join trade unions and minorities to obtain an equal education. we can consider our nation in constant evolution and struggle between opposing groups. even before severing our colonial bonds with england those wanting independence and those wanting to remain a colony fought each other the french forces aligning themselves with the former and the british leading the latter junior science refresher magazine buy.

 Junior Science Refresher

Monday, August 9, 2021

junior science refresher

 junior science refresher

junior science refresher published this article page no 15 sulfur emissions from the mineral springs and geothermal steam baths at glenwood springs stripped the few shreds of healthy tissue from his already ravaged lungs. after a bitter lifetime of gambling with death at the point of a blade or the barrel of a pistol his diseased body got the better of him. after 2 racking bedridden months in the winter of 1887 doc hollidays lungs gave out and he died. tuberculosis had been the loaded gun at his temple for almost half his life but colorado had finally pulled the trigger bright group of publications junior science refresher.

 junior science refresher

Competition success magazine

 Competition success magazine

Competition success magazine use full for civil services students published this article page no 16 few chapters in the medical history of athens county ohio are more notorious or fascinating than that concerning walter freeman m.d. and the more than 200 frontal lobotomies he performed at the athens state hospital in seven visits between 1953 and 1957. until the middle of the twentieth century treatment for most inpatients in large state hospitals like that in athens was limited to providing a safe and humane environment. effective drugs for mental illnesses did not become available until the late 1950s and early 1960s. in 1936 egas moniz m.d. a portugese physician who eventually won a nobel prize for his work reported the results of his earliest frontal lobotomies in a french medical journal. dr. walter freeman a neurologist at george washington university in washington d.c. who had met dr. moniz a year earlier was impressed with the report competition success review.

 Competition success magazine

Thursday, August 5, 2021

general knowledge refresher 2019 by o.p. khanna

general knowledge refresher 2019 by o.p. khanna

general knowledge refresher 2019 by o.p. khanna  Published this article :  The voice on the radio suddenly forced its way into my conscious awareness. Absolutely staggering I felt it deep in my gut with no uncertainty. Forty Percent of the Afghan economy is from illegal drug production and trafficking. More disturbing is the fact that the United States has nothing that can replace the drug trade for Afghan entrepreneurs. As I contemplated these hard hitting statements I found myself imagining how different our world could be if we just stuck to some basic tenants of common decency. Yet what does this say about our world where such an obscene industry can thrive? Its not just the growers and traffickers that are contributing to the problems but the users of the end product. Those users ultimately feed the entire industrys cash flow. Considering the Afghan drug problems alongside illicit drug trade around the world there has to be an incredible amount of drug users to support the global market for drugs. Why? Is it really about the high or is it about escaping the sober realities and pain of human life? It seems that we never hear anyone talking about this aspect. Life is often painful. Whether you are poor or rich there are all kinds of problems and challenges that we human beings face. How appealing a drug addiction and the escape it provides must be to the user. In some ways it may even be understandable. Facing life and its challenges head on is NOT for the timid. But we are all faced with life nonetheless and there is no escaping that for the rational and sober minded person. Sure there are moments of pleasure that provide temporary relief but how long do those moments last? How long before the next problem rears up to block our path arrives? For some the moments of pleasure and happiness last longer and not so long for others. That may be related to a whole host of factors including socio-economic ones. So what can we do? Not much as it turns out for a simple reason. It is a fact of our very existence that free will exists. Each person makes his own choices. More laws wont change what people do when they think that they cant be seen. Perhaps a greater degree of personal happiness and contentment would prove to be more attractive than the lure of drug use. As you may have heard history tends to repeat itself. And why is that? Maybe the human condition doesnt really change that much only the scenery and technology change while the basic conditions of human life stay about the same throughout the ages. If that is true and similar conditions existed in the past how were they dealt with back then? One of the western worlds most revered philosophers was Socrates. Socrates talked about virtue. He discussed things like Truth Beauty and Goodness with his students. Today Master Li Hongzhi expounds on Truthfulness Compassion and Endurance. Perhaps contemplation of these things can bring greater contentment and personal happiness? With happiness and contentment there may no longer be as strong a catalyst for feeding a drug addiction. One thing is fairly certain. Due to the existence of free will only each individual can choose for himself the path he wishes to tread. general knowledge refresher 2019 by o.p. khanna

general knowledge refresher 2020

general knowledge refresher 2020 

general knowledge refresher 2020  Published this article :  Denmarks Jyllands-Posten newspaper issued an apology and whisked it off to the Jordanian news agency Petra for publishing cartoons that supposedly were insulting to the prophet Muhammad. The arguments about the poor taste of the cartoonist notwithstanding Anders Fogh Rasmussen Denmarks prime minister says he and his government cannot apologize for the country since the newspaper is independent and not an agency of the government. To most people this makes sense but Islam is not most people. It would seem that this entire tip toeing around Islam is far above absurdity and much closer to insanity. Can anyone remember an apology coming to Indonesia for the bombings there by radical Islamists? Did the British get an apology for the bombings of its subway? Who has heard one representative of any radical Islamic group apologize for the death and destruction wrought in America on 9/11? Is the apology offered by the Danish newspaper for there lack of taste and discretion or is it for other reasons? Is it because boycotts of Danish products like milk insulin and food stuffs? Or finally is it the fear or reprisals in the form of terrorist attacks on embassies public places schools and homes. Perhaps it is only a reasonable attempt at diplomacy that a free nation would employ under any circumstances in a civilized world. Terrorism by any other name is still just terrorism insulted prophets notwithstanding. If free nations have decided not to negotiate with terrorists on any level then we are forced to ask why then are we making apologies for cartoons? Last time I looked no cartoon had ever toppled a building or killed a child in the street. The behavior of radical Islam is creating a cartoon all on its own. It is more like a caricature than a cartoon. A caricature by nature is a cartoon that depicts something by exaggerating its most prominent or obtrusive qualities. The would be beauty has hips and other feminine features exaggerated to say she is voluptuous. The guy who wants his strength accentuated has the artist draw muscles way out of proportion to his body to accentuate that point. Islam has been creating a caricature not with brush or pen for the last several years all around the globe. It has exaggerated features including the bombing of men women and children almost always without mercy without warning and without reason. Not one apology has ever been offered for this dreadful radical Islamic cartoon. I have been warning Christians for over thirty years of the coming portent of the worlds last dictator commonly referred to as the Antichrist. It is well known to them that the bible clearly predicts that he will exalt himself above every other world leader before him and above every kind of worship of God be it the worship of the true God or some aberration heresy or cult. II Thessalonians 24 Who opposeth and exalteth himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped so that he as God sitteth in the temple of God showing himself that he is God. It is barley known to the Muslim faith and certainly would not be heeded or even acknowledged but that last dictator will make no apologies to them either. He will endeavor to crush every major religion in the world. He will momentarily succeed but not with warfare of force but rather by drawing the entire world into an economic system that no one will escape. Only a handful of westerners have ever converted to Islam in its entire history because of pictures it draws much like the Danish cartoon. Those pictures make a caricature of its ugliest components which are death judgment and punishment both on an unwarranted and unreasonable scale. Maybe civilized people still prefer pictures of a gentle Savior with children around him. Or a woman caught in adultery saved from stoning by a merciful Messiah who came to save the world rather than judge it. Millions of people have been converted by these pictures and will be much more until the end of time. general knowledge refresher 2020

general knowledge refresher 2020 

general knowledge refresher by o.p. khanna

 general knowledge refresher by o.p. khanna

general knowledge refresher by o.p. khanna  Published this article :  If you are wondering why the United States can send troops around the world but failed to respond to a domestic emergency in a timely manner you are not alone. Expect the lack of planning for emergency relief in the aftermath and devastation left behind by Hurricane Katrina to be the subject of a federal investigation. The National Guard arrived in large numbers on Friday September 2nd but how is it possible that the poor people of New Orleans were left four days to fend for themselves? Doesnt the United States have a rapid deployment force? Yes we do and many large military installations are within an hour of the Gulf Coast when traveling by air. Many more military bases are within two hours of the devastation. On Sunday August 28th - one day before Hurricane Katrina landed on the Gulf Coast it was labeled a category 5 hurricane. So what was the emergency rescue plan? Was anybody planning any rescue efforts on Sunday night? As luck would have it Katrina turned out to be a category 4 Hurricane. Can you imagine the devastation if

this storm had been worse? Some parts of New Orleans are 10 feet below sea level and a system of levees normally keeps the surrounding water out. Referring to the Federal response for relief help New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin said They dont have a clue whats going on down here. Mayor Nagins remarks are an understatement. Logistically speaking this is not as complicated as a relief effort to Somalia. President Bush said A lot of people are working hard to help those whove been affected. The results are not acceptable. He is not kidding if we can airlift food and weapons to Afghanistan why is delivery to the Gulf Coast and New Orleans a problem? . general knowledge refresher by o.p. khanna

 general knowledge refresher by o.p. khanna

Tuesday, August 3, 2021

banking services chronicle magazine

 banking services chronicle magazine 

banking services chronicle magazine  The Jews ability and readiness to mobilize and act to further their plans is a matter of record and the source of the inordinate influence of their lobby organizations in Washington for instance. When two Jews meet even randomly and regardless of the disparities in their background they immediately endeavor to see how they can further each others interests even and often at the expense of everyone elses. Still the Jewish diaspora now two millennia old is the first truly global phenomenon in world affairs. Bound by a common history a common set of languages a common ethos a common religion common defenses and ubiquitous enemies  Jews learned to closely cooperate in order to survive. No wonder that all modern global networks  from Rothschild to Reuters  were established by Jews. Jews also featured prominently in all the revolutionary movements of the past three centuries. Individual Jews  though rarely the Jewish community as a whole  seem to benefit no matter what. When Czarist Russia collapsed Jews occupied 7 out of 10 prominent positions in both the Kerensky a Jew himself government and in the Lenin and early Stalin administrations. When the Soviet Union crumbled Jews again benefited mightily. Three quarters of the famous oligarchs robber barons that absconded with the bulk of the defunct empires assets were  you guessed it  Jews. The Jewish Response Ignoring the purposefully inflammatory language for a minute what group does not behave this way Harvard alumni the British Commonwealth the European Union the Irish or the Italians in the United States political parties the world over ... As long as people cooperate legally and for legal ends without breaching ethics and without discriminating against deserving nonmembers  what is wrong with that The AntiSemite Argument number five  The Jews are planning to take over the world and establish a world government This is the kind of nonsense that discredits a serious study of the Jews and their role in history past and present. Endless lists of prominent people of Jewish descent are produced in support of the above contention. Yet governments are not the mere sum of their constituent individuals. The dynamics of power subsist on more than the religious affiliation of officeholders kingmakers and stringpullers. Granted Jews are well introduced in the echelons of power almost everywhere. But this is still a very far cry from a world government. Neither were Jews prominent in any of the recent moves  mostly by the Europeans  to strengthen the role of international law and attendant supranational organizations. The Jewish Response What can I say I agree with you. I would only like to set the record straight by pointing out the fact that Jews are actually underrepresented in the echelons of power everywhere including in the United States. Only in Israel  where they constitute an overwhelming majority  do Jews run things. banking services chronicle magazine

 banking services chronicle magazine 

banking services chronicle subscription

 banking services chronicle subscription

banking services chronicle subscription  The AntiSemite Argument number six  Jews are selfish narcissistic haughty doublefaced dissemblers. Zionism is an extension of this pathological narcissism as a colonial movement Judaism is not missionary. It is elitist. But Zionism has always regarded itself as both a 19th century national movement and a colonial civilizing force. Nationalist narcissism transformed Zionism into a mission of acculturation White Mans Burden. In Altneuland translated to Hebrew as Tel Aviv the feverish tome composed by Theodore Herzl Judaisms improbable visionary  Herzl refers to the Arabs as pliant and compliant butlers replete with gloves and tarbushes. In the book a German Jewish family prophetically lands at Jaffa the only port in erstwhile Palestine. They are welcomed and escorted by Briticized Arab gentlemens gentlemen who are only too happy to assist their future masters and colonizers to disembark. This ageold narcissistic defence  the Jewish superiority complex  was only exacerbated by the Holocaust. Nazism posed as a rebellion against the old ways  against the hegemonic culture the upper classes the established religions the superpowers the European order. The Nazis borrowed the Leninist vocabulary and assimilated it effectively. Hitler and the Nazis were an adolescent movement a reaction to narcissistic injuries inflicted upon a narcissistic and rather psychopathic toddler nationstate. Hitler himself was a malignant narcissist as Fromm correctly noted. The Jews constituted a perfect easily identifiable embodiment of all that was wrong with Europe. They were an old nation they were eerily disembodied without a territory they were cosmopolitan they were part of the establishment they were decadent they were hated on religious and socioeconomic grounds see Goldhagens Hitlers Willing Executioners they were different they were narcissistic felt and acted as morally superior they were everywhere they were defenseless they were credulous they were adaptable and thus could be coopted to collaborate in their own destruction. They were the perfect hated father figure and parricide was in fashion. The Holocaust was a massive trauma not because of its dimensions  but because Germans the epitome of Western civilization have turned on the Jews the selfproclaimed missionaries of Western civilization in the Levant and Arabia. It was the betrayal that mattered. Rejected by East as colonial stooges and West as agents of racial contamination alike  the Jews resorted to a series of narcissistic responses reified by the State of Israel. The long term occupation of territories metaphorical or physical is a classic narcissistic behavior of annexation of the other. The Six Days War was a war of self defence  but the swift victory only exacerbated the grandiose fantasies of the Jews. Mastery over the Palestinians became an important component in the psychological makeup of the nation especially the more rightwing and religious elements because it constitutes Narcissistic Supply. The Jewish Response Happily sooner or later most antiSemitic arguments descend into incoherent diatribe. This dialog is no exception. Zionism was not conceived out of time. It was born in an age of colonialism Kiplings white mans burden and Western narcissism. Regrettably Herzl did not transcend the political discourse of his period. But Zionism is far more than Altneuland. Herzl died in 1904 having actually been deposed by Zionists from Russia who espoused ideals of equality for all Jews and nonJews alike. The Holocaust was an enormous trauma and a clarion call. It taught the Jews that they cannot continue with their historically abnormal existence and that all the formulas for accommodation and coexistence failed. There remained only one viable solution a Jewish state as a member of the international community of nations. The Six Days War was indeed a classic example of preemptive selfdefense. Its outcomes however deeply divide Jewish communities everywhere especially in Israel. Many of us believe that occupation corrupts and reject the Messianic and millennial delusions of some Jews as dangerous and nefarious. Perhaps this is the most important thing to remember Like every other group of humans though molded by common experience Jews are not a monolith. There are liberal Jews and orthodox Jews narcissists and altruists unscrupulous and moral educated and ignorant criminals and lawabiding citizens. Jews in other words are like everyone else. Can we say the same about antiSemites I wonder. The AntiIsraeli The State of Israel is likely to end as did the seven previous stabs at Jewish statehood  in total annihilation. And for the same reasons conflicts between secular and religious Jews and a racistcolonialist pattern of deplorable behavior. The UN has noted this recidivist misconduct in numerous resolutions and when it justly compared Zionism to racism. The Jewish Response Zionism is undoubtedly a typical 19th century national movement promoting the interests of an ethnicallyhomogeneous  nation. But it is not and never has been a racist movement. Zionists of all stripes never believed in the inherent inferiority or malevolence or impurity of any group of people however arbitrarily defined or capriciously delimited just because of their common origin or habitation. The State of Israel is not exclusionary. There are a million Israelis who are Arabs both Christians and Muslims. It is true though that Jews have a special standing in Israel. The Law of Return grants them immediate citizenship. Because of obvious conflicts of interest Arabs cannot serve in the Israel Defense Forces IDF. Consequently they dont enjoy the special benefits conferred on war veterans and exsoldiers. Regrettably it is also true that Arabs are discriminated against and hated by many Israelis though rarely as a matter of official policy. These are the bitter fruits of the ongoing conflict. Budget priorities are also heavily skewed in favor of schools and infrastructure in Jewish municipalities. A lot remains to be done. The AntiIsraeli Zionism started off as a counterrevolution. It presented itself as an alternative to both orthodox religion and to assimilation in the age of European Enlightenment. But it was soon hijacked by East European Jews who espoused a pernicious type of Stalinism and virulent antiArab racism. The Jewish Response East European Jews were no doubt more nationalistic and etatist than the West European visionaries who gave birth to Zionism. But again they were not racist. On the very contrary. Their socialist roots called for close collaboration and integration of all the ethnicities and nationalities in IsraelPalestine. The AntiIsraeli The Status Quo promulgated by Israels first Prime Minister David BenGurion confined institutionalized religion to matters of civil law and to communal issues. All affairs of state became the exclusive domain of the secularleftist nomenclature and its attendant bureaucratic apparatus. All this changed after the Six Days War in 1967 and even more so after the Yom Kippur War. Militant Messianic Jews with radical fundamentalist religious ideologies sought to eradicate the distinction between state and synagogue. They propounded a political agenda thus invading the traditionally secular turf to the great consternation of their compatriots. This schism is unlikely to heal and will be further exacerbated by the inevitable need to confront harsh demographic and geopolitical realities. No matter how much occupied territory Israel gives up and how many ersatz Jews it imports from East Europe the Palestinians are likely to become a majority within the next 50 years. Israel will sooner or later face the need to choose whether to institute a policy of strict and racist apartheid  or shrink into an indefensible though majority Jewish enclave. The fanatics of the religious right are likely to enthusiastically opt for the first alternative. All the rest of the Jews in Israel are bound to recoil. Civil war will then become unavoidable and with it the demise of yet another shortlived Jewish polity. The Jewish Response Israel is indeed faced with the unpalatable choice and demographic realities described above. But dont bet on civil war and total annihilation just yet. There are numerous other political solutions  for instance a confederacy of two national states or one state with two nations. But I agree this is a serious problem further compounded by Palestinian demands for the right to return to their ancestral territories now firmly within the Jewish State even in its pre1967 borders. With regards to the hijacking of the national agenda by rightwing religious fundamentalist Jewish militants  as the recent pullout from Gaza and some of the West Bank proves conclusively Israelis are pragmatists. The influence of Messianic groups on Israeli decisionmaking is blown out of proportion. They are an increasingly isolated  though vocal and sometimes violent  minority. The AntiIsraeli Israel could perhaps have survived had it not committed a second mortal sin by transforming itself into an outpost and beacon of Western first BritishFrench then American neocolonialism. As the representative of the oppressors it was forced to resort to an official policy of unceasing war crimes and repeated grave violations of human and civil rights. The Jewish Response Israel aligned itself with successive colonial powers in the region because it felt it had no choice surrounded and outnumbered as it was by hostile triggerhappy and heavily armed neighbors. banking services chronicle subscription

 banking services chronicle subscription

banking services chronicle coaching

 banking services chronicle coaching

banking services chronicle coaching  Published this article page no    I believe a new presidential electoral system is in order. We need something that rewards candidates who have bold ideas while drawing more voters into the process as well. Consider the presidential election system we have today Every state has a number of electors equal to their amount of representatives and senators who vote for the President of the United States. In most states every elector goes to the candidate who achieves the most popular votes regardless of his margin of victory. This means 1. Presidential candidates have little reason to campaign to the whole country. If partisan or personal loyalty makes victory certain in a state a candidate can safely ignore it in favor of other states. Conversely if a candidate will definitely lose in a state then he wont waste his time there. Only competitive battleground states see much activity. 2. We have less national turnout. If a state will assuredly support one candidate why bother voting Also lack of vigorous campaigning in a state might contribute to voter apathy during an election. 3. With the winnertakeall plurality system candidates try to attract moderate voters so to avoid turning people off they emphasize their personalities more than their policies. This results in bland visionless candidates who take those traits into the White House. I believe a new presidential electoral system is in order. We need something that rewards candidates who have bold ideas while drawing more voters into the process as well. Therefore I recommend we emulate the French. Hear me out The French have an excellent method by which to elect their president. It is a twostage electoral process. In the first part candidates from all the countrys parties can run. Candidates who mobilize partisans with daring policy agendas will perform best here. Afterwards during the second stage runoff the first and second place finishers of the first round compete. Whoever achieves a majority vote wins. This requires the candidates to make themselves as palatable toward the center as possible. Eliminating the Electoral College and implementing tworound direct popular vote elections here would deliver many benefits. It would reward courageous candidates with striking ideas in the first stage but it would weed out dangerous fanatics in the second stage. It would allow smaller parties to achieve greater prominence than they could achieve in a winnertakeall elector paradigm. It would give candidates reason to campaign to every American. And it would give each voter a larger role in determining the outcome of the election. As a German friend also pointed out to me I dont quite get it that in the US votes for the Greens i.e. are all lost even help a candidate from the right to get into office see 2000  a second turn of the elections would allow Green supporters to vote for the Democrat. This is an important point. The major parties would have to give adherents of smaller parties reasons to vote for them. This would force the Democrats and Republicans to take other parties such as Greens and Libertarians seriously and perhaps heed some of their political desires. This would make more Americans feel as if they play an important role in the republican process. To complete the reform we also need to make going out to vote easier. Right now we seemingly make voting as hard as we can. Elections take place on weekdays so if Americans want to vote they must take off work or rush to the polls before or after work. When they get there they must wait a long time to finish the process because the volunteer polling coordinators are old retired people. Young people have to work after all. All this makes voting seem not worth the hassle to millions of Americans. To change that and increase turnout Election Day should become a federal holiday. That would allow Americans to vote without worrying about missing work and forfeiting pay or hurrying through throngs of people in the morning or evening. Younger Americans would also be able to volunteer to oversee the polls thereby making voting a smoother and faster experience. While were on the subject of changing our electoral system lets consider this At the time the Constitution was drafted one of the AntiFederalist objections to the document was to the pluralistic election of representatives. The AntiFederalists argued this could allow the election of representatives whom most of the community despised but who still managed to get more votes than anyone else. Instead according to the AntiFederalists districts should select their representatives by majority vote. I believe that AntiFederalist objection has merit. How can a representative represent a district if most of the people there hate him Changing congressional elections to twostage elections similar to what I outlined above for presidential elections would be a good idea. That way we could ensure the majority of citizens in a district would have voted for their congressman. All the benefits of switching the national presidential election to a twostage majority vote model would apply here. Many conservatives would object to the national scope of my reform plan. Theyd correctly point out it would erode federalism. Because population centers—cities—would yield greater power our executive branch might also shift to the left. Given the power of the presidency this might produce a government similarly inclined to governments in Europe. Anathema to conservatives that would be. To counteract the leftward effect and to placate conservatives I suggest we repeal the 17th Amendment. Let the state legislatures elect senators again. Senators who dont rely upon the people as an electoral base would be a lot more willing to challenge the president. Not only might the Senate be more conservative than the President but theyd feel safer defying him since the people who put him in office wouldnt be the same ones who put them in office. They wouldnt have to worry as much about the Presidents popularity. In addition with the people electing both the House of Representatives and the President under my plan wed need more checks against the tyranny of the majority. Election of federal senators by state legislatures would constitute such a check. No electoral procedures could solve all problems. But this extensive reform plan would eliminate many of them  Campaigns focusing only on battleground states.  Nullification of millions of votes.  Candidates whose only goal is to win a plurality of the ballots.  Victories by candidates whom most of the community doesnt support.  Apathy of the electorate toward politics. We especially should not underestimate the importance of the last element. Only an interested and engaged citizenry can serve as the foundation of a republic. Without it a republic cannot stand. banking services chronicle coaching

 banking services chronicle coaching