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competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Thursday, July 22, 2021

banking services chronicle book

 banking services chronicle book 

banking services chronicle book Published this article page no   Mira Markovic is an Honorary Academic of the Russian Academy of Science. It cost a lot of money to obtain this title and the Serb multibillionnaire Karic was only too glad to cough it up. Whatever else you say about Balkan cronies they rarely bite the hand that feeds them unless and until it is expedient to do so. And whatever else you say about Russia it adapted remarkably to capitalism. Everything has a price and a market. Israel had to learn this fact the hard way when Russian practicalnurselevel medical doctors and constructionworkerlevel civil engineers flooded its shores. Everything is for sale in this region of opportunities instant education inclusive. It seems that academe suffered the most during the numerous shock therapies and transition periods showered upon the impoverished inhabitants of Eastern and Central Europe. The resident of decrepit communistera buildings it had to cope with a flood of eager students and a deluge of anachronistic scholars. But in Russia the CIS and the Balkans the scenery is nothing short of Dantesque. Unschooled in any major European language lazily content with their tenured positions stagnant and formal  the academics and academicians of the Balkans are both failures and a resounding indictment of the rigor mortis that was socialism. Economics textbooks stop short of mentioning Friedman or Phelps. History textbooks should better be relegated to the science fiction shelves. A brave facade of self sufficiency covers up a vast hinterland of inferiority complex fully supported by real inferiority. In antiquated libraries shattered labs crooked buildings and inadequate facilities student pursue redundant careers with the wrong teachers. Corruption seethes under this repellent surface. Teachers sell exams take bribes trade incestuous sex with their students. They refuse to contribute to their communities. In all my years in the Balkans I have yet to come across a voluntary act  a single voluntary act  by an academic. And I have come across numerous refusals to help and to contribute. Materialism incarnate. This sorry state of affairs has a twofold outcome. On the one hand herds of victims of rigidly dictated lectures and the suppression of free thought. These academic products suffer from the twin afflictions of irrelevance of skills and the inability to acquire relevant ones the latter being the result of decades of brainwashing and industrial educational methods. Unable to match their anyhow outdated knowledge with anything a modern marketplace can offer  they default on to menial jobs rebel or pull levers to advance in life. Which leads us to the death of meritocracy and why this regions future is behind it. banking services chronicle book

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