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Thursday, July 22, 2021

banking services chronicle june 2021

 banking services chronicle june 2021

banking services chronicle june 2021 published this article  Lest someone attempts to accuse Mr Pillar of being a bureaucratic malcontent he was installed on the faculty for Security Studies at the prestigious Georgetown University soon after his resignation from the CIA. The astounding carnage of Viet Nam  58000 American dead over 150000 wounded approximately 24million Vietnamese dead and wounded  still dwarfs the totals for the Iraqi incursion but tell that to each family who loses a loved one and see if it offers them any solace. These soldiers fighters and innocents are not dying or being maimed for noble causes but for cynical agenda vague definitions of an enemy on one side and warped extreme fundamentalism on the other. The fact that the casualties in Iraq show no signs of subsiding make the assertions in Mr Pillars article all the more exasperating. A new documentary has also been recently released. Why We Fight was produced and directed by Eugene Jarecki who used a spectrum of interviews to delve into the effects of current American foreign policy. These range from former Bush adminstration officials to critics to American fighter pilots to a policeman who lost a son when the jets hit the towers in New York. Jareckis premise is based on a famous farewell speech by Dwight David Eisenhower in 1961 who warned of a shadowy militaryindustrial complex that had the potential to hijack American foreign policy without the publics ability to sufficiently contain it. Given Eisenhowers status as the Allied supreme commander in World War II as well as his presidency his warning was not only jarring but prophetic especially coming as it did on the throes of the Viet Nam conflict. All appearances now are that its even more pertinent today. In retrospect it is also ironic to think that it may have been the Americans who were being held in check by the balance of power posed by a totalitarian Soviet regime. Theres no doubt the reverse was true as well but I had always thought the Americans realized their best global weapon was their culture I continue to believe their culture not their weaponry caused the USSR to collapse. As such I fail to understand why each successive American presidency hasnt realized that simple and obvious observation. Putting that point to an unscientific test Ive asked various citizens of Iraq  and Iran for that matter  what foreign country they most admire and more often than not they cite the USA. If I follow that with a question about which government they least admire they cite the USA. Call me simplistic but not only does it seem burgers and bluejeans do a better job of making friends they cause significantly fewer deaths in the process. However as long as the American public allows its presidency the inherent power of overbearing rebuttal to any dissenting information without a constant call to justify itself there will be no subsidence in damaged lives or diverted resources. Until then as Saddam the old vet and history have combined to predict Iraq is a grunts war fought one building at a time. And like every other war not every grunt will come home alive or well. banking services chronicle june 2021

banking services chronicle book

 banking services chronicle book 

banking services chronicle book Published this article page no   Mira Markovic is an Honorary Academic of the Russian Academy of Science. It cost a lot of money to obtain this title and the Serb multibillionnaire Karic was only too glad to cough it up. Whatever else you say about Balkan cronies they rarely bite the hand that feeds them unless and until it is expedient to do so. And whatever else you say about Russia it adapted remarkably to capitalism. Everything has a price and a market. Israel had to learn this fact the hard way when Russian practicalnurselevel medical doctors and constructionworkerlevel civil engineers flooded its shores. Everything is for sale in this region of opportunities instant education inclusive. It seems that academe suffered the most during the numerous shock therapies and transition periods showered upon the impoverished inhabitants of Eastern and Central Europe. The resident of decrepit communistera buildings it had to cope with a flood of eager students and a deluge of anachronistic scholars. But in Russia the CIS and the Balkans the scenery is nothing short of Dantesque. Unschooled in any major European language lazily content with their tenured positions stagnant and formal  the academics and academicians of the Balkans are both failures and a resounding indictment of the rigor mortis that was socialism. Economics textbooks stop short of mentioning Friedman or Phelps. History textbooks should better be relegated to the science fiction shelves. A brave facade of self sufficiency covers up a vast hinterland of inferiority complex fully supported by real inferiority. In antiquated libraries shattered labs crooked buildings and inadequate facilities student pursue redundant careers with the wrong teachers. Corruption seethes under this repellent surface. Teachers sell exams take bribes trade incestuous sex with their students. They refuse to contribute to their communities. In all my years in the Balkans I have yet to come across a voluntary act  a single voluntary act  by an academic. And I have come across numerous refusals to help and to contribute. Materialism incarnate. This sorry state of affairs has a twofold outcome. On the one hand herds of victims of rigidly dictated lectures and the suppression of free thought. These academic products suffer from the twin afflictions of irrelevance of skills and the inability to acquire relevant ones the latter being the result of decades of brainwashing and industrial educational methods. Unable to match their anyhow outdated knowledge with anything a modern marketplace can offer  they default on to menial jobs rebel or pull levers to advance in life. Which leads us to the death of meritocracy and why this regions future is behind it. banking services chronicle book

banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf

 banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf

banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf published this article  In the wake of the downfall of all the major ideologies of the 20th century  Fascism Communism etc. the New Order heralded by President Bush emerged as a battle of Open Club versus Closed Club societies at least from the economic point of view. All modern states and societies must choose whether to be governed by merit meritocracy or by the privileged few oligarchy. It is inevitable that the social and economic structures be controlled by elites. It is a complex world and only a few can master the knowledge it takes to govern effectively. What sets meritocracy apart is not the number of members of its ruling or leading class usually no larger than an oligarchy. No it is distinguished by its membership criteria and by the mode of their application. The meritocratic elite is an open club because it satisfies three conditions 1.. The process and rules of joining up i.e. the criteria are transparent and widely known. 2.. The application and membership procedures are uniform equal to all and open to continuous public scrutiny and criticism. 3.. The system alters its membership requirements in direct response to public feedback and to the changing social and economic environment. To belong to a meritocracy one needs to satisfy a series of demands whose attainment is entirely up to he individual. And that is all that one needs to do. The rules of joining and of membership are cast in iron. The wishes and opinions of those who happen to comprise the club at any given moment are of no importance and of no consequence. Meritocracy is a fair play by rules of equal chance to derive benefits. Put differently is the rule of law. To join a meritocratic club one needs to demonstrate that one is in possession of or has access to inherent parameters such as intelligence a certain level of education a potential to contribute to society. An inherent parameter must correspond to a criterion and the latter must be applied independent of the views and predilections of those who sometimes are forced to apply it. The members of a committee or a board can disdain an applicant or they might wish not to approve a candidate. Or they may prefer someone else for the job because they owe her something or because they play golf with him. Yet they are permitted to consider only the applicants or the candidates inherent parameters does he have the necessary tenure qualifications education experience Does he contribute to his workplace community society at large In other words is he worthy or deserving Not WHO he is  but WHAT he is. Granted these processes of selection admission incorporation and assimilation are administered by mere humans and are therefore subject to human failings. Can qualifications be always judged objectively unambiguously and unequivocally Can the right personality traits or the ability to engage in teamwork be evaluated objectively These are vague and ambiguous enough to accommodate bias and bad will. banking services chronicle may 2021 pdf

Monday, July 12, 2021

competition success review magazine contact details

 competition success review magazine contact details

competition success review magazine contact details  Published this article page no  Published this article page no  Any child going through a divorce is going to experience some emotional pain feelings of loss sadness frustration and possibly abandonment or rejection. Any child going through a divorce is going to experience some emotional pain feelings of loss sadness frustration and possibly abandonment or rejection. As parents it is important to help children through this difficult time in their lives and to protect them as much as possible from the divorce process itself as well as the changes that will occur both now and in the future. As a parent there are several things that you can do to help your children get through the divorce with as little difficulty as possible. Both parents working together on this goal can make it even easier for the children. Children at this time need even more love from parents than they did prior to the divorce. This means telling your children every chance to get that you love them think of them often and will always be there for them. Try spending some extra one-on-one time with your kids and encourage them to talk about their concerns or fears. Just like love kids need to feel that they are supported secure and safe during the divorce. Often children feel very insecure about their relationship with one or both of the parents and may feel that the parent that moves out of the house has rejected them. Talk to the children about the divorce and explain that both parents will still be very involved in their lives. Show children your support and commitment to them by being there and following through on any plans or events. Children may also feel that the custodial parent may not have the financial means to support them especially if money is an issue in the divorce or in the disagreements leading up to the divorce. Assure your children that you have this under control. Children should not feel concern over financial affairs they need to know that Mom and Dad have this handled. Children need to see that Mom and Dad still can work together to be good parents. Kids should never be exposed to fighting negative comments about the other parent or conflict between parents. If you have a high-conflict situation try exchanging the children at a neutral spot like a restaurant or perhaps leave the children with a friend and have the other parent pick them up there so you dont have to meet face to face. It is critical that children not be exposed to the stress and anxiety of parental conflict. Talk to your extended families to make sure that they are following the same expectations for providing love support and only positive comments. Encourage your children to talk to other family members about the divorce if they feel comfortable with this. As soon as possible set a schedule for children to spend time with both parents. Try to stick to the schedule as much as possible as this allows the children to plan for times with both parents and to feel a part of both parents lives. Try to set similar expectations for chores discipline and daily routines in both Moms house and Dads house. This is particularly important if you have younger children as they will adjust to spending time in both homes much quicker if they are consistent. competition success review magazine contact details

competition success review magazine free download

  competition success review magazine free download

competition success review magazine free download Published this article page no Published this article page no  Your marriage is in trouble and you know that even though you want to get it all over with that you still love your partner and that you will probably regret your actions in the near future the action needed is clear- you need to prevent divorce. Divorce is not the answer and rushing into one is a big mistake the divorce process will eliminate your chances of rebuilding your relationship so you better consider this move carefully and be absolutely sure that you have ... Your marriage is in trouble and you know that even though you want to get it all over with that you still love your partner and that you will probably regret your actions in the near future the action needed is clear- you need to prevent divorce. Divorce is not the answer and rushing into one is a big mistake the divorce process will eliminate your chances of rebuilding your relationship so you better consider this move carefully and be absolutely sure that you have exhausted all the means and ways to improve your relationship. Your spouse does not understand you and both of you are not communicating any more it seems as though there is a huge gap between you that even the smallest things makes you upset about each other and that what was once easy and fun has now become unbearable. Preventing divorce is not about compromise preventing divorce is about rediscovering your relationship. The changes in relationships seem almost impossible from once passionate lovers that could not bare being apart couples change into two different people that sometimes seek the opportunity to be as separate from one another as possible. The dangers of the growing distance between couple raises questions in their minds and in many cases this ends in a divorce. Every person is different every couple has its own unique story but the bottom line is usually this – one or both partners think that it is impossible to turn the relationship into something that will flourish again with the hope of regaining the love of the other lost the partners turn into the simplest and what seems like the easiest solution instead of fighting and arguing over and over again the clean cut divorce looks like a good solution. Sometimes and in some cases this is probably the best way to go divorce for some couples is the best answer to a hopeless situation. But if you are one of the many people who feel that not all hope is gone and that you wish to continue building the relationship you have with your partner who at a certain time was the closest to you this is the place to start looking inwards and outwards and work to regain your harmoniums loving relationship once again. Good relationships start with good communication it is almost sure that you once had a relationship with good communication you can probably remember the days when you didnt have enough time with your spouse to talk about all the plans you had for your life and to share your thoughts? How long has it been now? How many years since you last had a really good communication exchange? After youve exhausted the discussion about the childrens schedule who has to drop off the dry cleaning and when you will visit your in-laws do you find yourself at a loss for words? You are not alone. There is nothing wrong with either of you. You are probably just mired in everyday life and because your daily schedule is so hectic over the years you simply ran out of time for casual and enjoyable discussion. And now you cant even remember how to even talk to your spouse stopping or preventing a divorce will mean that you will need to rethink the way you communicate. Good communication is not so hard and it is vital for preventing a divorce it is just plain simple work until you get used to it. Instead of talking about the regular things you will need to think a little harder and try a lot harder. Talk about real things not the work routine and the childrens activities think of things you want to talk about youll find yourself anxious to get home to share the information with your spouse. Avoid the topics that do not interest you spouse remember that this is about the both of you and what you find interesting just finding this topic will earn you points for trying do not plan ahead too much – just let yourself into a discussion about things you have not discussed for long. Listen to the news in the morning or on your way to work. When you are listening try to focus on those things you think your spouse would find interesting. What would she tell you about? Then ask her if she heard the story and what she thought about it. Talk about things you want to plan or do over the next month or two. Vacation planning is a good topic but only if you are both looking forward to going and if you are both actively involved in planning for the vacation. Preventing divorce is a complicated issue – not impossible one. competition success review magazine free download