competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Monday, January 29, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 20 this article was published in the magazine related news national mission on use of biomass in coal based thermal power plants it has been proposed by the ministry of power to address the issue of air pollution due to farm stubble burning and to reduce carbon footprints of thermal power generation. once launched it will help in achieving objectives of increasing the level of co-firing (combustion of two different fuels in the same combustion system) from present 5% to higher levels for carbon neutral power generation by tpps. taking up r&d activities in boiler design to handle the higher amount of silica alkalis in the biomass pellets. shine india monthly magazine telugu facilitating overcoming the constraints in supply chain of biomass pellets and agro- residue and its transport upto to the power plants. addressing regulatory issues in biomass co-firing. there are three different concepts for co-firing biomass in coal boilers. direct co-firing the biomass and the coal are burned in the same furnace. indirect co-firing in this concept the solid biomass is converted to a clean fuel gas using a biomass gasifier. the gas can be burnt in the same furnace as the coal. parallel co-firing it is also possible to install a completely separate biomass boiler in addition to the conventional boiler shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine

Wednesday, January 24, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine Published this article page no 14 this article was published in the month of november municipal financing why in news? recently the reserve bank of india (rbi) has released a report on municipal financing. more on news  the report is a first ever comprehensive analysis of municipal finances and covers 201 municipal corporations (mcs) across all states.  the report also suggests some innovative ways to strengthen the financial capacity of municipalities. about finance of municipalities  the 74th amendment act 1992 through the 12th schedule institutionalized the urban local bodies (ulbs) asthe third tier of the government to promote grassroots level democracy (refer to the infographics). shine india monthly magazine telugu buy the act also provides an illustrative list of 18 functions which the state governments may assign to the municipalities partly or wholly through their municipal laws.  however the amendment act has not provided for a corresponding municipal finance list in the constitution and it has been completely left to the discretion of the state governments. this has resulted in municipal finances varying widely across states there is a gross mismatch between the functions assigned to the ulbs and the resources made available to them to discharge the mandated functions. need for robust financial system of municipalities  urbanization the rapid rise in urban population density calls for better urban infrastructure and hence requires greater flow of financial resources to local governments shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine

Sunday, January 21, 2024

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine

shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 12 this article was published in the month of november initiatives launched under ecourt project  newly launched projects include virtual justice clock exhibits vital statistics at court level giving the details of the cases instituted cases disposed and pendency.  justis mobile app 2.0 tool for judicial officers for effective court and case management by monitoring pendency and disposal of cases. digital court initiative to make court records available to judge in digitised form to enable the transition to paperless courts. s3waas websites to generate configure deploy and manage websites for publishing specified information and services related to district judiciary.  shine india monthly magazine telugu e-courts mission mode project (2007) is a national egovernance project for ict enablement of district & subordinate courts. it was conceptualised based on the report submitted by e-committee supreme court of india. e-committee is the governing body headed by chief justice of india.  benefits of e-courts make functioning of the courts accountable and transparent. effective management of court and cases bringing down of pendency. will make the justice delivery system affordable accessible and cost-effective other initiatives national judicial data grid njdg virtual courts live-streaming of proceedings shine india monthly magazine subscription.

shine india monthly magazine