competition wizard magazine

competition wizard magazine
competition wizard magazine

Tuesday, May 30, 2023

Griha shobha magazine in hindi

Griha shobha magazine in hindi

Griha shobha magazine in hindi  published this article page no 18 the competition law prohibits any agreement between two or more enterprises or persons to maintain market competition and safeguard consumers interests within india.  such agreements can be vertical or horizontal. vertical agreements are those agreements between enterprises at different stages of production horizontal agreements are those between enterprises at the same production level griha shobha magazine subscription.

Griha shobha magazine in hindi

Drishti current affairs magazine English

Drishti current affairs magazine English

Drishti current affairs magazine English published this article page no 62 the juvenile justice care and protection of children) act was introduced and passed in parliament in 2015 to replace the juvenile justice care and protection of children act) 2000. allowing the trial of juveniles in conflict with law in the age group of 16-18 years as adults in cases where the crimes were to be determined.  the nature of the crime and whether the juvenile should be tried as a minor or a child was to be determined by a juvenile justice board.  another major provision was with regards to adoption bringing a more universally acceptable adoption law instead of the hindu adoptions and maintenance act 1956) and guardians of the ward act 1890) which was for muslims although the act did not replace these laws drishti current affairs magazine buy online.

Drishti current affairs magazine English

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine

Junior science refresher magazine published this article page no 42  even if there is disapproval by the majority of the sexual orientation or exercise of choice by the lgbt persons the court as the final arbiter of the constitutional rights should disregard social morality and uphold and protect constitutional morality which has been adverted to by this court in several cases.  constitutional morality and the fundamental guarantees of life liberty privacy and autonomy should prevail and extend to all persons irrespective of gender identity and sexual orientation Junior science refresher magazine subscription.

Junior science refresher magazine

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle Published this article page no 26 the justice j s verma committee recommended insertion of a section where if an officer-in-charge of a police station refuses or fails to record information related to a cognizable offence he shall be punished.  based on the committees recommendation section 166a was inserted in the criminal law amendment act 2013 banking service chronicle monthly magazine buy now.

Banking service chronicle

Saturday, May 27, 2023

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 34 abuse of law the law would end up being coercive and in particular negatively impact marginalised communities such as the scheduled caste and scheduled tribes making them law-breakers. also the amendment could push a large portion of the population into illegal marriages. contradicts with other laws a person upon reaching the age of 18 could vote but could not exercise the right of choice to marry. furthermore as per the 2013 criminal law amendment act age of consent for sexual activity is 18 years. now there are anticipation among social activists that the age of consent would be further raised to 21 to bring it on a par with the revised age of marriage of women Shine india monthly magazine buy.


Shine india monthly magazine

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle

Banking service chronicle published this article page no 19 casual attitude regarding reported release of harmful and untreated chemicals by some industries. focussed attention to be given towards such habitations and a time bound programme be formulated in consultation with concerned states for setting up of community water purification plants in all water quality affected habitations. to open sufficient number of water testing laboratories Banking service chronicle magazine subscription.


Banking service chronicle

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Mahindra current affairs magazine

Mahindra current affairs magazine published this article page no 91 it also stipulates the pecuniary jurisdiction of each tier of consumer commission. commissions jurisdiction under existing provisions new pecuniary jurisdiction district up to 1 crore upto 50 lakh rupees state between 1 crore and 10 crore between 50 lakh rupees and up to 2 crore national above 10 crore above2 crore mechanism provided under cpa 2019 for settling consumer disputes deciding complaint within three months if complaint does not require analysis or testing of commodities and within 5 months if it requires analysis or testing. o option of filing complaint electronically through e-daakhil portal. option of resolving disputes through mediation mahendra current affairs magazine subscription


Mahindra current affairs magazine

Friday, May 26, 2023

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine

Shine india monthly magazine published this article page no 36 information education and communication (iec) comprehensive public awareness campaign be chalked out to encourage social acceptance of the decision. also sensitizing young students of both gender about the importance of individual financial stability and the dangers of teenage pregnancies is needed. empowerment of women access to schools and universities for girls including transportation in the case of educational institutes in far-flung areas.

Shine india monthly magazine